Worship & Music Committee

The purpose of this committee is:

  • to insure our Worship Services, both weekly and special services, honor and glorify God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit
  • to address any problems and concerns regarding our Worship Services
  • to be open to suggestions and ideas on how to enhance our services so that all age groups can truly worship and praise our Lord and grow in the Spirit of God

Worship & Music Chairman:  Kristi Burke

Altar Angels

Two hand-carved linden wood angels now hang above our altar.  They formerly were in a Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which was closed. These beautiful works of art would have been lost, but they were salvaged and became available to us. Through a generous memorial gift from Betty Roth and the Roth family, in memory of Bill Roth, they have been purchased and restored. The German craftsman who did the restoration stated that the cost of producing such work today would have been prohibitive.

According to I Kings 6:23-28, at God’s directive, two cherubim were placed above the tabernacle in the temple, with wings touching. Of course, in the New Testament, angelic messengers present at the tomb proclaimed the Easter Gospel, announcing Jesus’ resurrection (Luke 24:4-5). Angels are prominent at critical junctures in the history of salvation, including Jesus’ birth at Bethlehem and his ascension into Heaven.

May these beautiful additions to our sanctuary be a blessing to many for years to come.
A special “thank you” to the Roth family and also the Bartholomews for covering the cost of crating and shipping.

Liturgical Colors and Their Meaning

Green — life, new life, growth

Purple — repentance, sorrow over sin, preparation

White/Gold — purity, light, joy, glory

Red — God's love, blood, martyrdom, presence of the Holy Spirit

Blue — hope, anticipation